2007 |
Zurich, Switzerland: “Sonic Transformations of
Literary Works: From Program Music to Musical Ekphrasis,” all-day group
session organized at the conference “Transitions” of the International
Musicological Society |
2002 |
Leuven, Belgium: “A Concert of Paintings: Musical
Ekphrasis Throughout the Centuries,” three-part symposium organized for
the 17th International Congress of the International Musicological
Society (Part 1: “Reflections on musical ekphrasis and the
correspondance of the arts”; Part 2: “Composers responding to specific
works of art”; Part 3: “Conceptual equivalence in musical ekphrasis”) |
2001 |
Imatra, Finland: “Musical Ekphrasis,”
thematic session organized for the Seventh International Congress on
Musical Significationn (ICMS7) “Music and the Arts” |
Ann Arbor, Michigan: “Second International Conference
for Word and Music Studies”
Ann Arbor, Michigan: “Viktor Ullmann Centennial
Celebration” (incl. musico-literary symposium “The Emperor of Atlantis:
Defiance in Terezín,” four concerts, talks, etc.)
Baton Rouge, Louisiana: “Text and Subtext: Musical
Quotations, Allusions and Tropes,” thematic session organized for the
Annual Conference of the Society for Music Theory
Santa Barbara, California: “Case Studies in Musical
Hermeneutics,” thematic session organized for the Annual Meeting of the
Semiotic Society of America
Utrecht, The Netherlands: “The Twentieth Century and
the Middle Ages: Cases of Musical Memory,” thematic session organized
for the 5th World Congress of the International Society for the Study
of European Ideas
1995-96 |
Ann Arbor, Michigan: “Paul Hindemith
Centennial Celebration” incl. four recitals and subsequent CD
recordings (available through Equilibrium Recordings) |
Portland, Oregon: “Methodological Approaches in
Musical Hermeneutics,” panel session organized for the Annual Meeting
of the College Music Society
Portland, Oregon: “Examples of Applied Hermeneutic
Analysis,” thematic session organized for the Annual Meeting of the
College Music Society
Old Town Alexandria: “Symmetry in Music, Dance, Drama,
and Poetry: Interdisciplinary Perspectives,” international symposium
organized as an integral component of “Symmetry: Natural and
Artificial, The Third Interdisciplinary Congress and Exhibition of the
International Society for the Interdisciplinary Study of Symmetry”
Gainesville, Florida: “The Education of the
Professional Musician: Towards a Change of Attitudes Regarding Purpose,
Goals and Values,” international symposium organized in the seires of
biannual meetings of the ISME Commission for the Education of the
Professional Musician