2025 | “Messiaen’s Language of Religious Symbolism,” in Robert Sholl, ed., Messiaen in Context. Cambridge University Press, 127-134.
| 2025 | “The Theology and Aesthetics of Thomas Aquinas in the Compositions of Olivier Messiaen,” in Robert Sholl, ed., Messiaen in Context. Cambridge University Press, 119-126.
| 2023 | “Alexander Zemlinsky’s Lyric Symphonie in
the Footsteps of Mahler’s Lied von der Erde,” in Lawrence Le Diagon and Genevičve Mathon, eds., Réflexions signifiantes de Franz Liszt ŕ la musique contemporaine. Hommage ŕ Márta Grabócz. Dijon, E.U.D., coll. “Musiques”, 301-319.
| 2022 | “Music as Content, Form, and Metaphor in Hermann Hesse’s Castalian Utopia”, in Rachel Durkin et. al., eds., The Routledge Companion to Music and Modern Literature, 291-301. | 2022 | “Aribert Reimann’s Epitaph: A Song Cycle with Poems by Percy B. Shelley,” in Magdalena Chrenkoff, ed., Beethoven 8: Studien und Interpretationen, 295-306. | 2022 | “Verlaine’s Manifesto in Debussy’s Music,” in Magdalena Chrenkoff, ed., Beethoven 8: Studien und Interpretationen, 125-137.
Tripartite Chinese translation of “A Concert of Paintings: ‘Musical Ekphrasis’ in the Twentieth Century,” published in Music Culture Studies 2021/4, 2022/1, and 2022/3 (originally in Poetics Today 22/3: 551-605).
“The Dies irae Of Respectful Remembrance and the Twelve-Tone Tows of Death in Shostakovich’s Symphony No. 14,” in Anna Granat-Janki, ed., Musical Analysis: Historia, Theoria, Praxis VI (Wroclaw: The Karol Lipinski Academy of Music), 43-58.
2021 | “Les ‘Vents’ de Saint-John Perse et Elliott Carter : un concerto racontant un počme”, in Márta Grabócz, ed., Narratologie musicale : Topiques, théories et stratégies analytiques (Paris: Hermann), pp. 467-492. | 2020 | “Musical
Ekphrasis: The Evolution of the Concept and the Breadth of its
Application.” Contribution to William Dougherty and Esti Sheinberg,
eds.: Routledge Handbook of Music Signification, 345-358 | 2020 | “Epitaph:
Aribert Reimanns Musical Circumambulation of an Imagined Tombstone
Inscribed with Poems by Percy B. Shelley”, in Anna Nowak, ed., ́The
Past and Present in a Musical Work (Bydgoszcz: Akademii Muzycznej),
27-40. | 2020 | “Olivier Messiaen”, article in Encyclopedia of the Bible and its Reception 18, Berlin/Boston: Walter de Gruyter, 845-850. | 2019 | “La
Lutte de Jacob avec l’Ange: Alexandre Tansman’s Musical Ekphrasis of
Paul Gauguin’s Painting,” in Anna Granat-Janki, ed., Musical
Analysis: Historia, Theoria, Praxis (Wroclaw: The Karol Lipinski
Academy of Music), 13-30. | 2019 | “Sorrow
and Serenity in Visions of Impermanence: Penderecki’s Eighth Symphony,”
in Iwona Sowinska-Fruhtrunk et. al., eds., Teoria Muzyki: studia,
interpretacje, dokumentacje 13 (Kraków: Akademii Muzycznej), 25-46. | 2018 | “‘Il Penseroso’, from Stone to Tone: Intermedial Responses between Illustration and Ekphrasis.” In Márta Grabócz, ed.: Les grands topoď du XIXe sičcle et la musique de Franz Liszt. Paris: Hermann, 19-39. | 2018 | “Marta
Ptaszyńnska’s Concerto for Marimba and Orchestra: an ekphrastic
triptych,” in Magdalena Chrenkoff, Beethoven 7: Studien und
Interpretationen. Cracow, Poland: Academia Muzyczna, 541-554 | 2015 | “Ming
I - Verwundung des Hellen. Die Dichtung von Nelly Sachs in
Kompositionen von Walter Steffens,” in Raul Calzoni et al., eds.,
Intermedialität – Multimedialität. Literatur und Musik in Deutschland
von 1900 bis heute (Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht),
89-118. | 2015 | “Intermedializing
Music,” in Asunción López-Varela / Ananta Sukla, eds., The Ekphrastic
Turn: Interart Dialogues (Champaign, IL: Common Ground), 13-38. | 2015 | “Oliviera
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[Olivier Messiaen’s Aesthetic and Theological Reception and Adaptation
of Thomas Aquinas], in Ilona Iwańska et al., eds.: Teoria Muzyki.
Studia interpretacje dokumentacje (Kraków: Akademia Muzyczna w
Krakowie), 23-52. |
2014 |
“Music as a Vehicle of Truth in Olivier Messiaen’s Saint François d’Assise,” inT. Malecka/M. Pawlowska, eds., Music as a Message of Truth and Beauty, (Krakow: Academia Muzyczna w Krakowie), 75-86. |
“Reflexiones sobre ecfrasis musical,” in Susana González Aktories and Irene Artigas Albarelli, eds., Entre artes, entre actos (Mexico: Bonilla), 51-68.
“Penrose, ‘Seeing is
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ed., Media Borders,
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“Musical Ekphrasis on a
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“Resounding Images:
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2008 |
“Ming I – Die Verwundung des Hellen: Walter Steffens’s Compositions about Suffering and Fate,” Siglind Bruhn, ed., Sonic Transformations of Literary Texts: From Program Music to Musical Ekphrasis (Hillsdale, NY: Pendragon), 143-170. |
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“Transfiguration Transmedialized: From Miraculous
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“La danse des morts – a folk tradition
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