Aban Bergs sinfonische Werke: Thematik, Struktur, Semantik (Gorz), 216 pp. [Contents]
Alban Bergs Liederzyklen und Kammermusik: Thematik, Struktur, Semantik (Gorz), 246 pp. [Contents]
43 | 2022 | Ravels Orchester- und Kammermusik (Gorz), 250 pp. [Contents] |
42 | 2021 | Ravels Lieder und Opern (Gorz), 334 pp. [Contents] |
41 | 2021 | Ravels Klaviermusik (Gorz), 260 pp. [Contents] |
40 | 2020 | « Dunkel ist das Leben »: Liedsinfonien zur Vergänglichkeit von Mahler bis Penderecki (Gorz), 322 pp. [Contents] |
39 | 2019 | Debussy’s Instrumental Music in its Cultural Context (Pendragon), 278 pp. |
38 | 2019 | Debussys Instrumentalmusik im kulturellen Kontext (Gorz), 314 pp. [Contents] |
37 | 2018 |
Debussy’s Vocal Music and its Poetic Evocations (Pendragon), 288 pp. |
36 | 2018 | Debussys Vokalmusik und ihre poetischen Evokationen (Gorz), 316 pp. [Contents] |
35 | 2017 | Debussys Klaviermusik und ihre bildlichen Inspirationen (Gorz), 268 pp. [Contents] |
34 | 2016 | Henri Dutilleux. Jede Note auf der Goldwaage gewogen (Gorz), 254 pp. [Contents] |
33 | 2016 | Aribert Reimanns Vokalmusik (Gorz), 298 pp. [Contents] |
32 | 2015 |
Arnold Schoenberg’s Journey from Tone Poems to Kaleidoscopic Sound Colors
(Pendragon), 368 pp. |
31 | 2015 | Schönbergs Musik 1899-1914 im Spiegel des kulturellen Umbruchs.
Von der Tondichtung zum Klangfarbenspiel
(Gorz), 338 pp. [Contents] |
30 | 2014 | Europas klingende Bilder (Gorz), 200 pp. [Contents] |
29 | 2013 |
The Music of Jörg Widmann (Gorz), 244 pp. [Contents] |
28 | 2013 | Die Musik von Jörg Widmann (Gorz), 244 pp. [Contents] |
27 | 2012 | Hindemiths große
Instrumentalwerke (Gorz), 356 pp. [Contents] |
26 | 2011 |
Martin’s Musical
Reflections on Death (Pendragon), 300 pp. |
25 | 2010 | Hindemiths große Vokalwerke
(Gorz), 312 pp. [Contents] |
24 | 2009 | Hindemiths große Bühnenwerke
(Gorz), 275 pp. [Contents] |
23 | 2008 | Les
Visions d’Olivier Messiaen (L’Harmattan), 346 pp. |
22 | 2008
Interpretations of Holiness and
Trinity: Echoes of Medieval
Theology in His Oratorio, Organ Meditations, and Opera
(Pendragon), 230 pp. [Contents] [Review
[Review Fallon]
21 | 2008 | Messiaens ‘Summa theologica’: Musikalische
Spurensuche mit Thomas von Aquin in La
Transfiguration de Notre
Seigneur Jésus-Christ, Méditations sur le mystère
de la sainte Trinité, und Saint François
d’Assise (Gorz), 268 pp. [Contents]
[Libretto] |
20 | 2008
Explorations of Love and Death: Musical
Signification in the “Tristan Trilogy” and Three Related Song Cycles (Pendragon), 288 pp. [Contents] [Review
Benitez] |
19 | 2007 | Olivier
Messiaen, Troubadour: Liebesverständnis und musikalische
Symbolik in Poèmes pour Mi, Chants de terre et de ciel,
Trois petites Liturgies de la présence divine, Harawi,
Turangalîla-Sinfonie und Cinq Rechants (Gorz), 322 pp. [Contents] |
18 | 2007
Contemplations of Covenant and Incarnation:
Musical Symbols of
Faith in the Two Great Piano Cycles of the 1940s (Pendragon), 296 pp. [Contents]
Benitez] |
17 | 2006 | Messiaens
musikalische Sprache des Glaubens: Theologische Symbolik in
Klavierzyklen Visions de l’Amen und Vingt
Regards sur
l’Enfant-Jésus (Gorz), 330 pp. [Contents] |
16 | 2006 | J.
Bachs Wohltemperiertes
Klavier: Analyse und Gestaltung (Gorz), 580 pp. [Contents] Revised edition 2013 |
15 | 2005 |
Musical Order of the World: Kepler, Hesse, Hindemith (Pendragon), 256 pp. [Contents] |
14 | 2005 | Christus
Opernheld im späten 20. Jahrhundert (Gorz), 296 pp. [Contents]
discussed] |
13 | 2004 | Das tönende
Museum: Musik des 20. Jahrhunderts interpretiert Werke
Kunst (Gorz), 252 pp. [Contents] |
12 |
in the Limelight: Representations of the Religious
Quest on
the Post-1945 Operatic Stage (Pendragon), 635 pp. [Contents] [Works discussed][Saints discussed]
11 |
Ekphrasis: Composers Responding to Poetry and Painting
(Pendragon), 667 pp. [Contents] [Essay, short
version] [Essay, long
10 | 2000 |
Ekphrasis in Rilke's MARIENLEBEN (Rodopi), 235 pp. [Contents] |
9 | 1998 |
Temptation of Paul Hindemith: Mathis der Maler as a Spiritual Testimony (Pendragon), 407 pp. [Review
8 | 1997 |
and Ideas in Modern French Piano Music: The Extra-musical
in Piano Works by Ravel, Debussy and Messiaen (Pendragon), 432 pp. [Review
7 | 1997 | Musikalische
Symbolik in Olivier Messiaens Weihnachtsvignetten.
Hermeneutisch-analytische Untersuchungen zu den Vingt regards
l’Enfant-Jésus (Peter Lang), 253 pp. [Contents] |
6 | 1993 | J. S. Bach’s
Clavier: In-depth Analysis and
4 vols. (Mainer), 264 + 250 + 248 + 260 pp.; revised and consolidated edition 2014 Gorz, 580 pp. [Contents] |
5 | 1992 | Creative
Piano Instruction for Small Children,
2 vols. (Penerbit Muzikal), 127 pp. |
4 | 1990 | How
to Play Bach’s Little Piano Pieces
(Penerbit Muzikal), 87 pp.
- Chinese translation (International Piano Teaching Foundation
of Taiwan, 1994) |
3 | 1989 | Guidelines
to Piano Interpretation (Penerbit Muzikal), 208 pp.
- Chinese translation (International Piano Teaching Foundation
of Taiwan, 1992); - Polish translation (Publications of the
Frédéric Chopin Academy of Music, 1994) |
2 | 1986 | Die
musikalische Darstellung psychologischer
Wirklichkeit in Alban Bergs Wozzeck (also: Ph.D. dissertation University of Vienna; published with a Distinction-in-Scholarly-Research Grant from the Alban
Berg Stiftung, Vienna) (Peter Lang), 450 pp. |
1 | 1981 | Die
Kunst musikalischer Gestaltung am Klavier: Gestaltungskriterien und Gestaltungsmittel in Bach’scher und
klassischer Klaviermusik (Peter Lang), 152 pp. |